Camp White Earth
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These are bios that I have received in the past few
weeks. If you would like to add yours,
please email it to me.
Jim Bell |
Frank Gross | Bill
Chorske | Bill
Putnam | George
Fulford | Jim
Richards | Bob
Adams | Bill Saul | Steve Koepcke | Jon Ekdahl | Dick Flickinger | Paul Whitney | Guy Hatlie | Al Standish | Mal Burson |
I graduated with an MD
degree from the University
of Iowa in 1960.
Have practiced general practice, then family practice in DM since 1963.
First wife died suddenly of brain hemorrhage in 1983. Second wife,
Barbara, and I celebrate our 25th anniversary in Jan. I am a pilot and
plan to fly with a small group of private pilots touring the Bahamas in Feb.
I retired from allopathic medicine in 2000 and am presently counseling patients
who have depression, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post
traumatic stress disorder, family squabbles, etc.
My pals at Camp--Frank Chandler, Alan Peterson, Tommy Nelson, the Gale
brothers, the Haupt brothers, Dave Baker, Dick Cardozo, Dick Flickinger,
Soltau, Jim Sutherland, Bernie Swanson, Whitey Oberg, and others.
If it was Schermerhorn's (sp?) bay where the really big and fast
boats lived, I believe that my former dentist might have bought land in
that area. His name was Art Cahalan, and his son is an excellent
surgeon here in DM. Art died from a fall while at White Earth, and I
believe Marge (his wife) sold the land soon thereafter.
My wife and I were in N MN a couple of years ago and we visited
the campsite. Teary eyes for me.
Wonderful memories. I thought I was losing my gourd when I went across
back bay to what should have been Bowmans and no one knew that it was ever
called that -- even in their archives.
Again, thanks very much for what you are doing here.
Frank Gross
I enlisted in the Army in
64, Trained as crew chief for the old H21s, sent to Vietnam, and as you would expect
from the Army, all the H21s had been retired back to the states. After a week
at the Saigon reception center, sent to Can Tho,
13th Av. Bn., then to Vinh Long 114th Av. Co. where I spent my tour first as an
L-19 Bird dog crew chief, and later as a flight operations specialist. Upon
returning to the states, it was back to Rucker where I went though Huey school,
then to Troy State for methods of Instruction.
I was then instructing primary maintenance on the Hueys. I met my wife
Betty while at Rucker and we have been together since Aug 1966. I left
the Army a sergeant in Oct 66 and returned with Betty to Minneapolis where I had a few jobs, and later
a business which we sold in 79 and moved back down south. By the way, the
114th has a nice website lots of pics, etc. from the
I would like to get in touch with Jerry Fladeland, Back in 1962-63 I
attended Minneapolis Vocational training to get my aircraft mechanics
license, Jerry's father Sid was my instructor. I have been a fixed wing
pilot since 1961, hold mechanic, commercial pilot, instrument, and free balloon
certificates though we no longer own an aircraft and have been inactive for the
past five years. "Gettin Old"
Really enjoyed the site, had some time last evening to really look it
over. As for experiences, remember making "Rat tails " with our
towels, and peeing to the rope that lifted the hatch in the out house?
How about when someone dropped their flashlight and would be lowered by
there ankles to retrieve it!
By the way we are in Kingston Springs which is just to the west of Nashville, Crossville is
east of here about 100 miles. It's about halfway between Nashville
and Knoxville
on I 40
Let's keep in touch. Frank
Bill Chorske

I was a counselor at White Earth in 1956, 57, & 58. At the
time I was a student at the University
of Minnesota and a
football player. My football career ended soon after my last summer at White
Earth because of a knee injury. I finished the U of M in 1959 with a degree in
Electrical Engineering. I stayed around until 1961 when I received a Masters in
EE as well.
I moved to California
for two years and then went to the East Coast and earned an MBA at the Harvard Business School.
I stayed in New England for the next 20 years
working for a high tech company there. My wife and I pretty much became New
Fate and coincidence intervened and I returned to Minneapolis in the late
80s to work for a company there. After 4 years in Minneapolis I was sent to Europe
to run my company’s business there.
I retired in 1997 and moved permanently to Vermont with my wife where we remain today
with significant time spent in Florida
and travels to various parts of the world.
I recently turned 70, which seems to be a significant milestone,
but my health is excellent. I have been married to the same lady for 43 years.
We have 3 children and 7 grandchildren.
recently been notified that Gayle Chorske has passed away in March of 2010 as a
result of cancer. We extend our deepest
sympathy to Bill and the greater circle of the Chorske family. God bless Gayle Chorske.
Bill Putnam
After Camp was sold in 61 or 62, I attended Beloit College
in Wisconsin,
with the encouragement of Bob Adams, one of my best friends. College was good
to me. Not much in the scholastic area, but great in extra curriculars. Capt.
of swim team, undefeated in conference competition for four years, only swimmer
in Midwest Conf history (at the time) to win four different events at conf.
meet during career. Received B.Blanket as senior (0nly 4 given). Pledge Pres
and Pres of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Attended one year of graduate studies at U of Missouri, then went to work in
family retail lumber and building materials business. Became Pres of Tapjac
Company, Inc,, in 1976. Sold business in 1999 to E C Barton and Co. Retained
ownership of real estate, so am in commercial RE business now. Also operate a
commercial office building in Carthage,
MO. My home town in Camp days, is
my home town now. One of my best friends is Pat Phelps, camper in early 50's.
He is a real estate developer (retired bank trust officer) and leases space in
my building.
Have been very active over the years in Boy Scouts (Silver Beaver winner in
1986), raised over $4 million to build new YMCA in 1991. Distinguished Service
Award from Beloit
College in the 80's and
elected to the Athletic Hall of Honor.
Named Carthage's
Citizen of the Year 6 years ago.
Currently serve as Executive Director of Community Foundation of Southwest
Missouri. Have second home in Keystone, CO. and spend 30% or so of our time
Married to Cindy for 37 years. 4 kids, aged 42 to 28, seven grand kids, aged 10
years to 6 mos.
Life has been good to me. For years I have treasured my camp memories. Coach
was one of my heroes. Corresponded with Rich and Nancy Borstad for a few years
after camp. Thank you for putting this together, I have thought of it myself
for years, but never took action. It will be great to see you and others next
George Fulford
I am the physician
assistant for an allergist, since 1973 - it seems like my first real job.
We treat allergies with immunotherapy, by giving patients extracts of the
things they react to in liquid drops under the tongue. The exciting thing is
that we provide immunotherapy for all, anyone with allergy to dust, pollen,
mold, food or chemical, even poison ivy. Dr. David Morris started giving these
drops in 1968 as an alternative to giving the same extracts as shots in the
arm. It turns out that this is more safe and effective, but less costly. It's
exciting to lead the medical community into a new treatment paradigm, but it
hurts to get the vituperation of those doctors who are threatened by change.
I am married to Joyce, who is an artist, painting Rosemaling, the Norwegian
folk art. Today, she is displaying her work for sale at Norskedalen, a nearby
Norwegian culture center, for their midsummer celebration.
We live near the Mississippi
in La Crosse, WI at the foot of a bluff and even have a
small community garden to work near the end of our street. I use more of my
time gardening daylilies and growing investments, also my doctor's hobby.
Retirement is off 2 to 5 years, I imagine.
Our 2 sons are Greg and Grant, ages 37 and 35, who live in Minneapolis MN
and Madison, WI.
Thanks for working to make this reunion. My years at White Earth influenced my
growth as much and with better memories than did high school. We will see you
in September.
George Fulford
This is a very worthwhile project;
the Camp White Earth web site is most interesting and I am sure it will
continue to grow. I can see that the
Camp made a great impression upon many you. I too enjoyed my summers and
perhaps it had some impact on what I am doing now.
I was a
camper…. and I cannot even remember, but it had to be back maybe in the late
1940’s and early 1950’s. A lot of the staff were U of M football players
such as Cal Stoll, Frank Kuzma and others and also returned vets from WW II who
insisted on the tight and well made bunks. A Finlander from the Range who
was called Poika (which means boy) was one. It was a grand time, trips to
the Detroit Lakes Water Carnival (which is still held) was one of the
highlights of the summer. The resorts have changed and the camp is now
owned by the Tribe and somewhat rundown. For a number of years Concordia College leased the site and used it for
some of their language camp programs and our son Jay was the head cook there
when it was Japanese Camp.
I grew up in the Twin Cities, went
to Edina High School, graduated in 1957, and
because of my hockey ability and interest, went to Dartmouth College
graduated in 1961. I played hockey there all 4 years, Ivy League champs
for two of those. I was a geology major and also a member of Phi
Delta Theta. Went to work the summer of 1961 for my father who was
a contractor. The business was high
risk rock and water work, building jetties in Texas. I was called to active duty in the
Berlin Crisis in 1961 in a Texas NG outfit. I was the only Yankee in the
crowd! Served my time, and the next job
with my father’s company was rebuilding the north jetty at Tillamook, OR.
Job was different in that it called for 13 ton plus stone or rock.
The spec was impossible and this project was the end of my Dad’s company. I
went to graduate school at the U of Minnesota. Fred (my brother) who graduated
from Stanford was in law school, and we started a blasting business of
blasting wetlands for wildlife ponds. This really took off, and I
continued on for 25 years. Read Helen and Scott Nearing’s book
called Living the Good Life and
decided to move “Up North” and homestead and make maple syrup and still
continue the blasting business. We had some land on Little
Sugarbush Lake and moved here in 1972, very rough at first, no hot water for
six years, wood heat for 25 years, $200 Res cars, and pioneer
homesteading. Started the maple syrup operation and became the
largest in Minnesota.
I moved five old immigrant log houses in and some friends said why don’t you
make some bunks in the Sugarhouse which we did, and charged $3.50 per night and
Concordia College, said what a great place for
some language villages. Why don’t you build a lodge and we can move there
in the summer. So we did and we had Russian and Swedish language camp
here for 18 years and now Spanish for the past 13. Spring and Fall is
busy with weddings, conventions and retreats and the such. But our core
business is that of cross country skiing.
Maplelag was voted the Number One Cross ski resort in North
America. Quite an honor…… above Royal
Gorge, Lone
Mountain, and Trapp
Family among others. Be sure to check our web at
Kind Regards,
Jim Richards…..”Pork Chops”
P.S. I might add that from days at Camp White
Earth and eating in the old dining hall or was it the main room, there was a
giant elk rack and skull that I think Hagbert Johnson unearthed in a peat swamp
or meadow while he was haying and this instilled in me a life long quest as a
collector of many different things. Perhaps my number one interest
in the collecting field is that of Norwegian folk art. And as a non Norwegian,
I have been in this filed for over 45 years. I co-authored a book
along with Don Gilberston, the former head of the Bell Museum
at the U of Minnesota called: A Treasury of Norwegian Folk Art in America.
This is a book we sold for $6.95, 5000 copies sold out, and the printer lost
the plates. The last time someone had the book listed it went for over
$204.00. Such is life! Other areas of collecting interest are: homemade
cross country skis, Minnesota fish decoys(we have over 1000 and are in the
process of building a museum here at Maplelag), over 300 metal and plastic
lunch boxes(we lost 450 of them in a fire we had here in 1999), logging tools
and artifacts(we have the largest collection of spring boards in the country),
unusual and original signs of all kinds, Clarice Cliff pottery, berry pickers,
perhaps the largest collection of depot or station signs of town names from
mainly the Midwest and Western Canada
of the Great Northern, Northern Pacific, Soo Line, Milwaukee Road, Canadian
Pacific, and Canadian National, and my latest interest has been tabas from
Argentina. With the lodge here at Maplelag over 46,000 sq. ft., it gives a ton
of room to display items.
a lot of you can join us for the reunion in Sept of 2006.
Bob Adams
Dear Camp White Earth alumni,
First of all, I join all of you in appreciating the
inspired efforts of Guy Hatlie in bringing us back together. For the
record I was a camper from '52-'56, kitchen boy '58, and a counselor
'59-61. For those of you with whom I have already communicated, this
brief bio will be old information. While I was a counselor, I was a
student at Beloit
College in Wisconsin which is where
I met my wife Karen (we just had our 40th) and I was on the swimming
team. I make note of the latter not because of anything remarkable I did
in the water (my achievements were nothing to write home about - which is
essentially what I'm doing now) but it was out of the water that I made a huge
contribution to Beloit
College swimming.
It was because of our friendship at Camp White Earth that Bill Putnam attended Beloit, where he smashed
all existing records in all freestyle events, not only at the college but also
the Midwest Conference, and has received Beloit's
highest athletic recognition. After Beloit
I attended medical school at the University
of Minnesota, then an
internship at Hennepin
County General
Hospital in Minneapolis followed
by a residency and fellowship in anesthesiology at the Mayo Clinic. Then
Uncle Sam made me an offer I couldn't refuse, and I spent two years at Naval
Hospital San Diego (tough duty). After that I accepted a position on the
staff at Mayo and since I am from Rochester
and my dad was also a Mayo doc, it might seem that the loop was closed and I
would spend the rest of my life at Mayo. However, those two years in San
Diego living a stone's throw from the beach in Coronado and thoroughly enjoying
every other delight of Southern California changed my outlook on life, i.e. I
decided it was more important where I lived than where I worked. I joined
a large group practice of anesthesiology in San Diego in 1974 and just retired last
Karen and I have three "kids" and it just occurred
to me that, for all I know, they may have gone to college with some of your
kids. Jane (Princeton '91, Harvard Law
'95) does corporate law for a large California
firm (Cooley Godward), Charlie (Trinity College '95) is an executive in a
biotech company in SD, and Russell (Georgetown '98, Columbia Graduate School of
Journalism '02) is a sports writer for the Wall Street Journal.
Karen and I still live in Coronado and a few years ago we built a
second home in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico, where we spend most of our
Thanks again to Guy. Stay in touch, Bob
Bill Saul
Bio at
Steve Koepcke
I sure am glad that this
venture has gotten off the ground. In
the past I have had to share those wonderful CWE memories only with myself.
As a camper, kitchen boy and
counselor, who worked closely with Coach on the rifle range, I have continued
to enjoy the out doors by going on camping trips with my wife, Marilyn and our
two children. Of course this was when we
were younger. About seven years ago we built a summer home in mid Minnesota about two
hours from our home in the Minneapolis
suburb of St. Louis Park. We have been married for almost 37 years and
our two children are also both married.
Our oldest daughter just had our first grandchild, a granddaughter,
August 2005.
After finishing my 12 year
stint at CWE, I picked up an AA degree
from the University of Minnesota, went to work for about eleven months before
enlisting in the Army in 1963. After
serving my three year hitch in Germany,
I came home to enroll in the College
of Education at the University of Minnesota. I graduated in 1969 with a BS degree and
started teaching Industrial Arts at a local junior high school. Along the way I completed my MA degree and
became certified in Special Education.
In 2002 I retired and have been substituting ever since. Marilyn also graduated from the U of M in
Medical Technology and took a job, which she held for the next 42 years, at the
University Hospital as a Microbiologist. She retired just a few months before I did
and currently provides day care for our grandchild.
During my teaching years, I
acquired an interest in woodworking and have been equipping my much too small
workroom facilities at the summer home.
I and members of my extended family finished the cottage after having
the shell built, so this family hide-a-way has provided many hours of joy and
relaxation to many in our extended family and acquaintances. Of course, during the planning and building
process, I often thought back to the days at White Earth. It seems that once the outdoors gets into
your blood, it never leaves. It will be
fun to get together and exchange stories about good old Camp White Earth.
Jon Ekdahl
A few of the pictures on your
proposed website bring back recollections [especially the flag raising and
Coach Thorpe]. I do recall Rich Borstad and Jerry Fladeland--and
names of places like Bowmans, Detroit
Lakes and Itasca but memories have faded nearly
completely. I am not even certain I would recognize myself at this
If you have a drawing or map
of the camp, I'd suggest posting that--it might help those of us whose recall
has weakened to remember the locations of the cabins, rifle range, boat area,
swimming dock, etc.
This next summer is a very
busy one for my family with my oldest daughter getting married so I am not a
likely attendee at any gathering at White Earth [or the Minneapolis area].
If photos or other White
Earth memorabilia still exist in my household, it would be due to the efforts
of my long deceased parents--but, if I uncover such and it would be suitable
for posting on your website, I'll be happy to share it.
wishes on your endeavor!!
Dick Flickinger
I am still practicing ophthalmology in Waukesha, WI.
I would be definitely interested in participating in a White
Earth reunion whenever it is convenient for the rest of the group.
My wife's name is Susan. (Sue) We have three children
all in Wisconsin.
We also have enjoyed having and breeding Yellow Labradors. Have two,
named Dewars and Rob Roy. Guess what we drink?
I have been practicing ophthalmology in Wisconsin since 1970. Pretty soon I
will have the eyeballs perfected!!!! Having so much fun I don't plan to
retire for another 4 years.
We live in the midst of 50 acres and I enjoy gardening,
planting trees, splitting wood, carving birds, hunting, fishing and anything
outdoors, also play rotten golf.
Hi y'all. Long time no see! First of all, 3 cheers for
Guy for thinking of and following through with his "grand plan." In
response to what I have been up to for the past 50 years, I'm going to jump at
the opportunity to reminisce some more.
CWE experiences in the out doors sealed my fate for I
followed my love for the out doors that was ignited and nurtured at CWE. I
enjoyed school and some how managed to obtain a series of degrees
associated with environmental science. While at Earlham in Indiana, I majored in biology and
played football and ran track. Our football team had a 23 game
winning streak and we only lost three games in the four years I played (half
back and punter). Javelin was my strength in track and I placed 3rd
in the state my senior year - not quite the Olympics but great fun. Indiana University was home for two years and
there I met my wife Diane in a physiology class. Via Oak Ridge Tennessee
for a year, we moved to Fairbanks,
Alaska where I studied arctic
biology and tried to become a professional student. While there, we socialized
with Phips and "Pinks" Rinaldo. Phips was at CWE for several years
and his folks had a big spread on White
Earth Lake.
We lost touch with Phips when we moved on to the University of Calgary
where I studied genetics and Diane went to medical school. We ended up in Portland where Diane did
her residency in psychiatry and I started a career as
an Environmental Consultant. My way up the corporate ladder was met with
many wins and losses and the Company of about 400 finally spun apart about 5
years ago. Our Portland
branch stayed intact and we were purchased en mass by Jones & Stokes, an
environmental firm of about 400 on the west coast. Our kid, Molly - 22,
graduated from Linfield
College in McMinnville, Oregon
and she majored in environmental biology. Molly is currently employed by the
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in Portland.
My way down the corporate ladder has the advantages of being able to sleep well
and not having chest pains from worrying about how to make pay role.
Current consulting projects include work on salmon recovery and ecosystem-based
environmental management. Clients include Weyerhaeuser, Waste Management, Port of Portland, and the City of Portland. My goal this
year is to ramp back to 80% and join Diane who is already taking Fridays off.
For fun these days, Diane and I paddle in our canvas cedar canoe, hike in
the Columbia Gorge and along the coast and maintain our few acres of apple
trees and grapes. I have my alcohol Servers Permit and pour (on a volunteer
basis) for a local Pinot Noir vineyard, Stag Hollow, on the few weekends it
opens to the public. I keep my "board" duties sharpened by serving
on a few boards such as "Salmon Safe" a non profit group that
certifies products as being "friendly to salmon". Salmon Safe has
found that folks will pay 10% more for products that have this designation on
their labels. We are between dogs and are currently looking for a Springer
I'd love to hear from any or all of you that are so
inclined. The CWE years were great ones - the counselors always told us how
lucky we were to be there! How right they were. I had my youthful
indiscretions while at CWE and I often wince at the silly/dumb things I
did. I remember a severe scolding by Pete for cleaning paint brushes with
gasoline in the craft shop. He said I could have burned the whole thing
down. But you know. I don't clean paint brushes with gasoline any more and I'm
sure I'm going to live better because of it! If you can remember some of the
silly things I did please don't hold back - y'all are my window into a past
that is rather blurry when it comes to specifics. While looking forward to
hearing from and seeing some of you,
I remain,
Panglossian Paul in Portland
I have many terrific memories from my Camp White Earth
Days….. I took away a few good skills as well: sailing, canoeing, shooting, to
name a few. I would like to think that
the Camp experience instilled a little bit of an adventurous outdoor spirit
which is still with me.
In any case, after my camping years I graduated from Jamestown High School (Jamestown, North Dakota)
in 1961. I did all right…..Student
Council President, and captain of the golf team. I was not a jock….terribly immature and
weighed 125 pounds on graduation day!
Then to New Mexico
Military Institute…..Roswell,
New Mexico. That was an adventure…out in the middle of
nowhere for a couple of years. Made the
Rifle Team….picked up an A.A. degree in 1963, but was not terrific
academically, so the Academies were out.
Finished my Bachelors in Business at the University of Montana,
at Missoula in
June, 1966. Again, I was not
particularly motivated in the realm of academia, joined Phi Delta Theta, did a lot of skiing, had a
beer or two, but in retrospect, they were not very good years. I guess I struggled with my dad’s cancer; he
died at 54 in 1964. However….. I did
graduate, received a commission (Army ROTC) in June 1966. I met my wife, Judy Peterson, the preceding
summer (the summer of ’65) in Jamestown
at a typical lakeside pavilion dance, the rush was on and we were married in
Jan ’66. It’s been over 40 years; it’s
been a great run.
After graduation, Judy and I lived all over the U.S. with the
Army….Basic Course in Virginia,
Flight School at Ft. Wolters, Texas,
and Ft Rucker, Alabama.
Then I was off to Vietnam
and Judy returned to Jamestown
and attended Jamestown
College. Vietnam worked out for O.K. for
me….saw 10 months of action, flying combat assault (Huey, troop
insertions/extractions, medivac) in the Delta region of Vietnam. Spent another 2 months in Battalion
Operations, came home in one piece with several decorations including the
Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry,
etc. After spending the balance of my
commitment as a Tactics Instructor at Ft Rucker, I exited the Service as a
After the service, in late 1969 Judy and I decided on Southern California, rather than North Dakota, to re-start our lives. Great decision! I landed an entry level accounting job with
Hughes Aircraft Co.(later became Raytheon), did some graduate work at U.S.C.,
and had a good 30+year career retiring as the Director of Finance for Tactical
Systems Division in 1999. I did
consulting work for them for another 4 years.
Judy earned a Masters in Education and had a very successful 25 year
career teaching elementary school.
Son Mark is married, 2 children, and living in Germany. He’s been there since graduating from NMMI
(AA) and St. Olaf (BA) in 1988, employed in academia, teaching university, and
soon to have his PhD. Mark’s wife,
Susanne is German, a trained nurse, currently at home raising their
children. Our daughter, Erica, is
married, 2 children and lives in neighboring Redondo Beach. She graduated from U of Oregon, and worked
several years for DirecTV before leaving the firm to raise children. Husband Greg, formally a professional
volleyball player, is a stock broker.
Over the years there have been a variety of interests: Backpacking, golfing, skiing, tennis, hunting
and fishing, lots of committee work, amateur theater (both production and
performance), and much travel. Recently
Judy has been on the Board of Directors of Leadership Manhattan Beach and
Chairman of the Centennial Committee of our church. I have been the principal
organizer/coordinator for the three European Concert Tours our Choir has taken. I also had the privilege of coordinating the
creation of three commissioned musical compositions for the celebration of our
church’s centennial.
Having purchased a cabin on Lake Sallie
(near Detroit Lakes), we will be spending our summers
there and looking forward to many, many good times at The Lakes. Come see us… we’ll take a little ‘cocktail
cruise’, tell stories of the ‘good ol' days’ at Camp White Earth, and generally
catch up on the last 50-60 years!
If you’re ever in ‘La La’ land, be sure to look us up!
I lived in Nokomis district of Minneapolis. After Camp
White Earth ('50, '51) attended summer camp for three years at nearby BSA Camp
Many Point. I attended Cretin
High School in St Paul, graduating in
1956. Graduated from U of MN in 1961 (BChE). Then reported to amphibious assault carrier USS
THETIS BAY (LPH 6) in the Philippines.
Selected for submarines in 1962 and while training in New London CT, met Catherine (Kay)
McCaffrey who became my bride in 1965. Served aboard USS SIRAGO (SS 485)
including stint as chief engineer. After additional school, I was
assigned as navigator aboard USS DANIEL BOONE (SSBN 629) completing five
deterrent Polaris patrols in the Pacific. While ashore in Washington DC,
attended George Washington University
evening classes (1971) for MS in Administration (Systems Management). Selected
as Engineering Duty Officer. Assistant Project Manager for construction
of PEGASUS (PHM 1) class patrol hydrofoil. Reassigned to Naval Shipyard Portsmouth in Kittery ME.
Posted to Commander in Chief U S Atlantic Fleet Staff in Norfolk VA
and later Norfolk Naval Shipyard. Final assignment at Naval Sea Systems
Command HQ in Washington DC. Retired as CDR. Worked as engineer
and logistics manager for defense contracting firms. Established
independent engineering consultancy, Industrial Systems Associates, in
1996. Operated bed and breakfast, The Carriage Inn, in Charles Town WV
from an 1836 Federal structure once site of meeting between Generals Grant and
Sheridan. Relocated to Port Ludlow WA overlooking Admiralty
Inlet and Mount Baker in 2002.
Children live in Albany NY, Annapolis
MD and London UK. Six grandchildren. Enjoy
volunteer activities, genealogy research, hiking, world travel and gourmet
Malcolm Burson
was "Mal" in those days. After my White Earth years (57-61), I
attended the University
of Wisconsin, and went
from there to an Episcopal seminary, following which I spent 20+ years in the
ministry. I also earned a graduate degree in medieval studies, and for a
brief period taught medieval history at a university in Canada.
But my then wife and I moved to Maine
in 1980, where I've been ever since. Since leaving the ministry, my
career has been focused on organizational training and development in a variety
of settings; since 1999 I've been part of Maine's Department of Environmental
Protection, where I'm now (and probably until I retire in a few short years)
the Associate Policy Director. Have two children--one finishing up a
Ph.D. at Yale; the other the Literary and Education Manager of Portland Stage
Company here in Maine.
I also live in Portland
with a partner of 5+ years: Eleanor and I love to sea kayak, hike in the
mountains, and travel throughout the world: Cambodia coming up early in '08.
Willis “Bill” Kildow
from Washburn High School, Minneapolis in 1944, and in 1948 from the University
of Minnesota with a BA Degree in Journalism and Advertising. As my father, Fred
L. Kildow, was a Professor of Journalism at Minnesota naturally I went there.
Between 1944
and 1948 I fulfilled my Armed Services requirements. A surprise call-up from
the Air Force Reserve pulled me out of high school about March of 1944. Tested
for the Air Force “stanine” qualities at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. (A series of
tests, five in all, designed to classify airmen as Pilot, Navigator, or
Bombardier – these were the top three, and each with a possible 9 as maximum
score. Your total of these three was your stanine rating.
At that time,
a total score of 14 was necessary to qualify for one of the top three
categories. I believe the fourth and fifth categories were for Gunner and
Ground Crew respectively. At any rate, I qualified for Pilot training as an
Aviation Cadet. I was told often that this rating was the one below
To make it
short, I qualified for Pilot (Aviation Cadet). We were sent to Coe College in
Cedar Rapids, Iowa for an eleven month accelerated Engineering course. Then
Sheppard Field in Wichita Falls, Texas for basic training and up to Scott Field
in East Saint Louis, Illinois to wait for an opening in a Flight School.
As 8 May 1945
ended the hostilities in Europe, and 2 September Japan gave up, the situation
became one of a surplus of pilots and no real need for any more. Trying to
figure what to do with us, they finally came up with the offer. An Honorable
Discharge at the convenience of the Air Force (i.e. subject to recall) or stay
and wait for an opening. On becoming a Lieutenant and Air Force Pilot you would
then serve at least 3-years overseas. I, (and 99% of the group) said “Thank
you. . .OUT!!). So on Halloween 1945 I headed for Minnesota to go to College.
A short
footnote on the above. At the time of my discharge, the Staff Sergeant told me
that my stanine score was a perfect 27 – not only that, it was actually 5x 9 or
45 for a total perfect score. He asked me if I really would not like to stay in
the Air Force. I thanked him politely, but, no!. On entering the U. of M.,
credits for the accelerated course at Coe meant I started the U. as a 3rd
quarter Sophomore – and graduated in 1948 like my Washburn classmates!!
From ’48 to
1972, I was Sales Rep, Sales Manager, or Marketing Executive for a number of
companies, including years as Sales Manager for Cessna FBOs (fixed-base
operations) Crystal Shamrock at Crystal Field and Executive Aero at Flying
Cloud Airport. Finally, flying! During these years I managed to rack up a
little over 1200 hours as Pilot in Command, with dual-engine and (almost)
Instrument ratings. Great days.
During this
time I created and organized (and, of course), became Secretary of the
Minneapolis Ad Club Bowling League. There were 8 complete teams, each sponsored
by one of the businesses in the Advertising Club. The league was very
successful. I became a bit of a “bowling fanatic” and wound up bowling as a
regular in the Minneapolis All Star Bowling League, Baden’s Classic League, the
Ad Club, and as a substitute for other teams on the fourth night. No wonder I
couldn’t stay married! I did wind up with an overall average of 198 through it
In 1972,
shortly before the Olympics in Munich, my partner and I took our shot at the
golden ring. We need a minimum of $3 million to start up a new company in
Dallas, Texas that would be a computer-based Information Exchange for American
corporations. We had the program all set up, a great idea, all we needed was
some money! Never happened, met Gisela, was hired by Ortec GmbH (EG&G was
the U.S. mother firm) and am still here (Munich, Germany) following my
retirement in September, 1990.
Best regards,